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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter /Doktorand (m/w/d)

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter /Doktorand (m/w/d) (9722)

Institut für Klinische Immunologie
in Teilzeit 26 Std./Woche, befristet auf 3 Jahre (Verfügbarkeit der Drittmittel)
TV-L EG 13
Eintrittstermin: sofort

Über uns - die Medizinische Fakultät

Die Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Leipzig gehört mit ihrer über 600jährigen Tradition zu den größten Forschungseinrichtungen der Region Leipzig. Mit über 1.300 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern ist sie die größte von insgesamt 14 Fakultäten der Universität Leipzig und dient als Ausbildungsstätte für ca. 3.500 Studierende der Human- und Zahnmedizin sowie der Pharmazie und Hebammenkunde.

Die Aufgaben

  • The doctoral project is part of a new, collaborative research project funded by the BMBF. SaxoCell aims to develop new areas of application and production methods for personalized gene and cell therapeutics, so-called »living drugs«. Specifically, the doctoral project will run under the umbrella of the Edit-Save project

(https://www.saxocell.de/en/our-research/projects-second-phase-2/#toggle-...))within SaxoCell, aiming at further developing and applying cutting edge non-viral genome engineering technologies.

  • Your area of responsibility lies in the molecular engineering of novel transposon and transposase components.
  • To this end, you will generate Sleeping Beauty transposon vectors carrying suitably designed chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) genes and validate these in cultured human cells.
  • You will employ both electroporation as well as LNP-mediated gene delivery technologies for genetic engineering of human macrophages.
  • A significant component of the work will be the generation of transposon vector integration site libraries in cultured human cells and annotatation of those insertions by next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics tools.
  • You will assess both efficacy and safety of CAR-macrophages in cell-based assays.
  • You will communicate your research results in writing within the framework of corresponding publications as well as orally at regular colloquia and at specialist meetings or conferences.

Ihr Profil

  • You have successfully completed a Master's or Diploma degree in life sciences.
  • You have already gained experience in molecular and cell biology as part of your studies and previous career. Ideally, you also have knowledge of bioinformatics; however, this is not a prerequisite.
  • You are very confident in oral and written communication in English and enjoy working in an interdisciplinary team.
  • Your working style is characterized by curiosity, commitment and initiative and you approach new challenges independently and flexibly.

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Ihr Ansprechpartner

Auskünfte zum Bewerbungsverfahren erteilt Professor Dr. Zoltan Ivics unter 0341/ 97-25500 bzw. zoltan.ivics@medizin.uni-leipzig.de.
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Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter /Doktorand (m/w/d)

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Veröffentlicht am 04.03.2025

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